Improv Critique: February 21

I took another improv class and this is my first class show, I’m only gonna critique my parts. The format of this show was, walk around and dump three thoughts, do a monologue, repeat the previous two steps twice, then do two person scenes with the same person for three scenes


2m49s Be more specific and say what we should do, instead of “something”

3m19s Good line and good job keeping a straight face

3m49s We could’ve had more action taking place or at least started a bigger plan

Part 2


1m16s I screwed up the last name of the other characters, good fix by my partner

2m32 Good job acknowledging the bad object work

4m54s I should’ve come in as the female masseuse

6m20s I still could’ve come in as the female masseuse

7m10s Good call back

7m28s I should’ve focused on why he kept making tacos, said that he owns the store or something

8m23s I could’ve said something like, “Now that I’ve made out with the sixth girl, I don’t need the “smart” title to get action anymore”

9m16s I should’ve remembered saying the lessons thing and gotten into a future scene with the Gambilini’s

Part 3


2m52s Both me and my scene partner are up on chairs filming, you can only see him

3m36s The show was supposed to end, but didn’t, so we came out for another scene and ended it on a laugh

Overall: Decent improv but I could’ve assisted in other scenes more and my scenes could’ve gotten to the funny quicker

One Reply to “Improv Critique: February 21”

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