
Performance Critique: March 18th

I hosted this show and there were only 3 audience members, but they were awesome. I wound up doing about 30 minutes of stage time, but a lot of it was just talking and stretching time as the 3 person audience was waiting for a specific comic, so I’ve only put up the segments where I have jokes in them.

Part 1


0m41s I could totally tell, I lied 

1m21s I’m not sure if I need the slogan line 

2m39s The young republican convention line is a great save, and I think it also works if the previous line gets a laugh 

3m25s The 20 something girl in the 3 person audience brought her aunt and uncle to the show because she heard one of her friends from high school was doing a set here tonight. He showed up really late 

4m21s I’m addressing the comics 

5m19s If any of you have a good punch line for this, I’m all ears 

Part 2


0m46s I love how different people give me counter examples in the same place 

1m15s I didn’t finish a joke because they derailed my thought train, I think this is a better method then trying to force the joke back on them 

1m47s I need to come up with a contingency for when the female audience member replies really negatively about her last boyfriend 

2m02s I was surprised they’ve only been married for four years because they were in their 60’s 

3m05s This audience is way more interesting than I am 

3m37s Don’t say the guy they’re waiting for is dead, the audience just might leave 

4m05s Bad attempt at repeating and punching up the joke 

Part 3


0m18s I changed my punch line to try to appeal to the pot smokers 

0m23s She replied “Can you play tennis low?” Pretty funny 

1m08s It might be enough to go from “it’s all downhill” to “let’s reverse the process” without the examples 

2m45s The girl said “that’s great.” The next time a girl gets excited about someone whispering “I have AIDS” to them, I should say “We are gonna get along great, give me your number” 

3m17s Stop saying “marry her” even if there’s some dead space 

Overall: This was one of the more fun shows I’ve hosted. The audience was small but I enjoyed interacting with them a lot more than I enjoyed my St Patrick’s day set that had 4 times the number of people.

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