Performance Critique: January 6

Wednesday Night Show, I’m the MC


0m22s I’m working on being super friendly when I’m the MC

0m58s I should’ve waited an extra second before introducing myself

1m18s After “you’ll get yours” I should’ve added “if you ask nicely”

3m09s I’m trying to not crouch when I do my mom’s voice so that it sounds more consistent and doesn’t use my throat muscles as much

3m38s Put more emphasis on the word “all”

4m08s That was a fun save of turning a complete miss into making it seem like I was right the whole time

4m22s Good job making it a running joke that there’s a contest for my affection

4m47s Truth in comedy

6m29s Say “that failed” instead of “that didn’t work out”

7m16s After not being able to explain Medicare last night, I was able to dumb it down into three words tonight

Overall: This was a good MC job, I did some material, I did some crowd work and I seemed friendly like a good host should. Not all of my jokes got huge laughs, but a few did and I created some inside jokes that only make sense for this specific audience which I referenced in between comics (hitting on the multiple groups of girls, etc)

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