Hi-Tech Comedy: Josh Spear

Today I’m interviewing Josh Spear.

Josh Spear

Josh has been on Last Comic Standing, Bravo and has had sketches on the Conan O’Brien and Chris Rock shows.

1. How are you using the internet / social media to promote your career?

I have used or do use MySpace and FaceBook to promote live shows. I use you tube as a place for industry people to be able to refer to my act or other video projects I’ve done

2. Have you noticed the payoff yet?

I have seen payoffs but like anything you need to concentrate and maintain a high visibility on these sites and you find the cliental isn’t always up to par.

3. What do you think about posting videos of your sets online?

Sets online work for me because I can perform more then one set and I don’t loose all my work in one video, but I don’t promo them. I let them be found. If for no reason one became viral I’d love that, yet I will not just keep posting it over and over on different networking sites trying to drive up views and pretend I have fans, as do most internet comics as opposed to actual performing pro comics.

4. How do you think digital tools will change comedy?

Digital tools will not change comedy, they will change the output quantities therefore watering down comedy and in very rare cases bring one lucky performer to the public eye who wouldn’t have a had a chance any other way.

5. How much information do you tend to share on the social networks?

I used to share every moment in 2007, but at that time I traveled the USA for 40 days visiting MySpace friends in person and staying with them.

We would always joke as comics that Tom Anderson and MySpace friends weren’t real so I put it to the test and we started putting out bulletins and video commercials that we were going to hang with any and every MySpace friend we had.

I learned that in very rural areas people are very lonely, that you can make SOME lasting real life friendships and to be careful who you ride in a car with for 40 days & nights.

6. What are the weirdest “perks” that you’ve experienced due to your combination of technology and the internet.

I’ve received food, shelter, coffee, woman (sex), drugs (weed only) and friendship.

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