Ben’s eBook: How To Find Your Passion

This 25 page book covers my decision to drop out of graduate school to pursue comedy and how you can use the lessons I’ve learned to find your passion before it’s too late.

Click the image above or download the pdf here

If you find this useful, please pass it along to anyone else you think it might help. Comments, as always, are welcome.

If you like my eBook and have a group you think would want to hear me present this message as an hour long talk, book me. The talk is based on the book, but funnier and more interactive, as I’m a stand up comedian after all.

7 Replies to “Ben’s eBook: How To Find Your Passion”

  1. Great book. I could totally connect with what you were saying. I recently quit my job as a tax consultant in a big accounting firm. I did go to law school but I am still 26 so its not too late. I dont have that $100 000 000 as yet but any day now.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

  2. I am utterly speechless. I am married with kids and on anti-depressants. It is 2 am and I am surfing online looking for tips on getting into stand up comedy because it is all I have ever wanted to do since I was 10 and asked for a mic for xmas to work on my stand up. Yep, that’s true. I just couldn’t bring myself to say it. I am supposed to want a steady job and a nice lawn, etc. Your ebook describes my private prison to a “T.” (That expression makes no sense to me) Thank you for writing it, if nothing else, know that your book reached someone that needed to hear your message.

  3. очень занимательная книга! 🙂
    А нет ли ее на русском языке?

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