Performance Critique: July 27a

I was only able to record audio for my July 24th and 25th shows (1 each night) so I’m skipping straight to July 27. If anyone knows of a youtube equivalent for straight audio files (where I can then embed them into my site), please let me know. Otherwise, I’ll have to skip a bunch of sets where I couldn’t use a camera. (I don’t have the time / computer processor to encode this into a fake video at this point.)

I MCed the show, small crowd of 6-10 people


0m24s The joke is there is no joke

1m38s Don’t ask how long they’ve been married, make a guess, it’s more interesting

1m59s I should’ve gone back to picking on the first couple since their friends are married

2m33s Go stronger in tonality on “Igor likes this”

2m59s Stop asking questions and try making statements and then having the crowd tell me if I’m right, it’ll be more engaging

5m22s Good job trying to hook up the birthday boy, and then stacking on an additional comment

6m21s Kill the “help me please” line

7m50s Say “the next comic” instead of “the first comic”

Overall: I had two good crowd work jokes but the actual jokes didn’t go over that well.

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