
Performance Critique 41: March 05

This is the place where I bark at. There was a crowd of 12-14 people, and I wound up convincing a group of 8 people from Philly to come to the show.


0m05s I love when a host butchers my last name. Almost as much as other comics must love it when I host and butcher their last name. 

0m19s Anytime you can have the crowd dying before you say anything, you should have a pretty good set. If you don’t, your material managed to lose the crowd. 

0m59s My delivery is more laid back than usual, I have no idea why or how this happened, but I like it. 

1m19s This is a strong way to control the crowd, I’m similar to a talk show host by directing who can speak first. 

1m29s She said “I have a cat”. I should’ve pointed out how she just wanted attention. 

1m45s I think I went a little over board by saying “there’s a decent human being in here” this can turn a crowd against you, but luckily it didn’t this time. 

2m48s I think I need a different deliver about the “neglecting kids” as people find it funny but don’t want to laugh. My delivery needs to make it okay to laugh. I’m not sure what it should sound like though. 

3m09s It seems on the rare occasions that I laugh during my set, everyone laughs. I need to identify parts where I can laugh. 

3m40s The person I addressed was a middle aged woman, which is why I felt the need to comment on the look she gave me. 

3m52s Being aware of what’s going on in the room (the parts you can see anyway) can really add to the jokes. 

4m18s It took me 3 seconds of silence to force the laugh, and another 3 seconds for them to stop laughing. Some comics have commented that it screws up my delivery, the whole waiting for the audience to laugh thing but until I can get instant laughs, I’m okay with forcing it out every once in a while. 

4m39s That was the worst act out I’ve ever done. Before I got on stage, I envisioned miming the process of shit hitting the ceiling fan, but the way I just did it makes it look like I had a quick seizure. 

4m43s I originally had planned to keep ducking out of the way of shit after each of the 3 examples, but for some reason I only flinched about marriage. 

4m54s I should say “bomb on your face” instead of “booby trap on your face” 

5m18s The babysitting kids and why psychos are better than kids lines need to be tightened. 

5m25s I shouldn’t say third date twice. The first line should be “If you get past all that, the next time you meet you’re having sex” 

6m24s The terrible act outs continue. That was supposed to be me slamming a door in the face of a Jehovah’s Witness. I should’ve probably opened the door first, and held onto the door knob a bit more convincingly. 

Overall: Delivery wise, this was one of my best sets. I was relaxed, at east, didn’t rush and interacted with the audience. It’s one of my most conversational performances.

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