
“You Can Negotiate Anything” Quotes

I recently read “You Can Negotiate Anything: The world’s best negotiator tells you how to get what you want” by Herb Cohen. Below are the quotes I found most interesting. If you like them, buy the book.

“In today’s world a wise boss always negotiates for the commitment of his employees. What is a boss? Someone with formal authority who attempts to get people to do voluntarily what must be done.” (18)

“You and I know that the best way to shaft a boss these days-to transform him into a shaftee with you being the shaftor—is to do precisely what he or she tells you to. When told what to do, you write it down and ask, “Is this what you want?” Then you proceed to comply, literally.
Two weeks later, your boss runs up to you and blurts,
“What happened?”
You reply, “I don’t know. I did exactly what you told me to do.”
We have a name for that in today’s world. We call that phenomenon “Malicious Obedience.” (18)

In every negotiation in which you’re involved—in every negotiation in which I’m involved—in fact, in every negotiation in the world (from a diplomatic geopolitical negotiation to the purchase of a home) —three crucial elements are always present:

  1. Information. The other side seems to know more about you and your needs than you know about them and their needs.
  2. Time. The other side doesn’t seem to be under the same kind of organizational pressure, time constraints, and restrictive deadlines you feel you’re under.
  3. Power. The other side always seems to have more power and authority than you think you have.

“All power is based on perception. If you think you’ve got it, then you’ve got it. If you think you don’t have it, even if you have it, then you don’t have it. In short, you have more power if you believe you have power and view your life’s encounters as negotiations.” (20)

“1. Am I comfortable negotiating in this particular situation?

  1. Will negotiating meet my needs?
  2. Is the expenditure of energy and time on my part worth the benefits that I can receive as a result of this encounter?
    Only if you, as a unique individual, can answer yes to all three of these questions should you proceed to negotiate.” (30)

“To begin with, don’t define yourself too narrowly. Don’t regard yourself as someone who wants to buy a refrigerator. Regard yourself as someone who wants to sell money. Money is the product that’s up for sale. The more people there are who want your money, the more your money will buy. How do you get people to bid for that money? You generate competition for it.” (31)

“In a fundamental sense, every negatotiation is for the satisfaction of needs. Sears presents you with a $489.95 asking price that meets its needs… but hwat about yours.” (32)

“You can also ask, “When is it going on sale?” or “Did I miss the sale?” The assumption is that, if it’s not currently on sale, it either will be or just was. There’s no earthly reason why you should be penalized for awkward timing.” (33)

“The key to making an ultimatum prevail is always the extent to which the other side makes an investment of time and energy.” (35)

“The success of a nibble is in direct proportion to the amount of time invested. No time investment, no dice. That’s why you should always induce the other side to invest in a situation. And that’s why your initial approach to a negotiation should always be collaborative, as though you’re hungry for help.” (39)

“In negotiation, dumb is often better than smart, inarticulate frequently better than articulate, and many times weakness can actually be strength. So train yourself occasionally to say,
“I don’t know,” “I don’t understand,” “You lost me some time ago,” or “Help me,” when these phrases suit your purposes.” (40)

“Moral don’t be too quick to “understand” or prove your intellect at the outset of an encounter. Watch your listen-talk ratio. Learn to ask questions, even when you think you might know the answers.
Furthermore, if you approach others asking for help, it tends to set the climate for a mutually beneficial relationship.
At the least, you’ll cause the other side to make an investment that ultimately accrues to your advantage.
Making the ultimatum stick
In some of the illustrations discussed earlier, ultimatums were used. Ultimatums are commonly employed, whether by a parent giving a child the “last and final proposal” regarding a curfew or by a union approaching the wire in collective bargaining.
For your ultimatum to succeed, it must meet four criteria:

  1. Frosting on the cake. The other side must have no other choice or they must have such an investment that they can’t fold their cards and walk away. Therefore, an ultimatum must come at the end of a negotiation, never at the beginning.
    You can’t frost a cake until you bake it.
  2. Soft and palatable. The words used must never belittle or offend the other side. “Hard” ultimatums, such as “Take it or leave it!” or “It’s this or else!” are self-defeating. “Soft” ultimatums are palatable because they’re simply a statement of your reality. Example: “I certainly understand your pre-dicament. Your position is valid, but this is all I’ve got. Help me.”
  3. A recipe that can’t be tampered with. It’s always wise • to back up your final position with some form of documentation or legitimacy. Example: “You deserve what you’re asking for. I wish I could give it to you, but this is all I have in my budget!” (43)

“in order to influence an outcome—in politics, poker, or nego-tiation-you must realistically analyze the other side’s posi-tion, as well as your own, in light of three ever-present tightly interrelated variables:

  1. POWER
  2. TIME
  3. INFORMATION” (50)

“never enter a negotiation without options. If you do, the other side will treat you lightly, as in the needing-a-job and the selling-an-idea examples I just gave you.” (58)

“6. The power of the knowledge of “needs”
In all negotiations, there are two things being bargained for:

  1. The specific issues and demands, which are stated openly.
  2. The real needs of the other side, which are rarely verbalized.” (68)

“If you can establish a reasonable guess about what someone’s needs are, you can predict, with remarkable certainty, what will happen in any interaction.” (69)

“My point is this: If you have something difficult to negoti-ate-an emotional issue, or a concrete item that can be stated numerically, such as price, cost, interest rate, or salary-cope with it at the end of a negotiation, after the other side has made a hefty expenditure of energy and a substantial time investment.
What if the emotional issue or quantifiable item surfaces at the beginning of the negotiation? Acknowledge it, chat about it, but put it off till later—returning to it only after the other side has spent a lot of time with you. You’ll be surprised how the other side’s investment will cause them to become flexible at the end of the negotiation.” (73)

“If someone at Macy’s makes you feel good, important, or at least comfortable and understands your needs, you’ll identify with and favor Macy’s, even if Bloomingdale’s offers something that looks better. That’s why your ability to have others identify with you is crucial, whomever you’re dealing with and for whatever reason.” (76)

“Even if someone has the law on his side and theoretically can crush you, if you say, “You can do anything you want with me… but would it be the right thing?”” (80)

“ask the other party if it was fair and right. Not surprisingly, that question shakes up even the most worldly, self-seeking, and jaded.” (81)

“Logic, in and of itself, will rarely influence people. Most often logic doesn’t work.
If you want to persuade me to believe something, do some-thing, or buy something, you must rely on three factors:

  1. I have to understand what you’re saying. It’s imperative that you put your reasons into analogies that relate to my experiences, my particular imprinting. In order to do this, you must enter my world. (That’s why it’s so hard for you to negotiate with someone who’s stupid or who you think is a lunatic.)
  2. Your evidence must be so overwhelming that I can’t dispute it.
  3. My believing you must meet my existing needs and desires.” (85)

“​​Moral: If you want to persuade people, show the immediate relevance and value of what you’re saying in terms of meeting their needs and desires.” (87)

“​​Therefore, in any negotiation expect most significant concession behavior and any settlement action to occur close to the deadline. That being the case, if I know your deadline and you don’t know mine, who has the advantage?” (92)

“​​In general, the reason we are at odds on an issue may stem from three areas of difference:

  1. Experience. You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
  2. Information
  3. Role

“The answer may lie in finding out who’s important to the boss and getting those people to help you influence him.” (178)

“Even when you are right, shun all opportunities to humiliate people— at least in public. Remember this, not only for them, but for yourself as well.” (193)

“Anytime an idea, proposal, or request calls for a change in the current handling of affairs, it requires a personal oral presentation. Documents, letters, and phone calls may precede or follow such a meeting, but they are not persuasive in themselves.” (211)

“”What if the president of Mexico showed up? Would you have a room for him?”
“it señor …”
I blew a smoke ring toward the ceiling. “Well, he’s not coming, so I’ll take his room.”
Did I get a room? You bet, but I had to promise that if the president arrived, I would vacate immediately.” (228)

“If you do not want a policy or regulation to govern your situation, be prepared to demonstrate that the framers of this rule never intended it to cover your unique facts.” (230)

“You should never dress like a fashion plate when entering an IRS office. Don’t look like a bum, but also don’t resemble the front cover of Gentlemen’s Quarterly or Harper’s Bazaar.” (231)

“The person you deal with will feel comfortable with you, and riendly toward you, only if he or she can identify with you.” (231)

“Your name is called. Simultaneously, a designated auditor steps forward to greet you. At this point-and throughout the transaction-your attitude is one of pure “Help me!” You personalize yourself, coming across as a reasonable, likable friendly human being. Are you argumentative? To the contrary. Are you defensive? Absolutely not. You’re there to be cooperative. Butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth.” (231)

“If you are to negotiate effectively, the other party must not see you as a statistic, a thing, a commodity, or an article of com-merce. If you present yourself as a unique, vulnerable human being, there is greater likelihood that you will get what you want.” (240)

“This fact is implicit in the reputed comment of Samuel Adams, just prior to the American Revolution. During the planning of the Boston Massacre, Adams was reported to have said something to this effect: “There ought to be no fewer than three or four killed so we will have martyrs for the Revolution. However, there should be no more than twenty, because once you get beyond that number we no longer have martyrs, but simply a sewage problem.”” (240)

“Accordingly, to maximize your impact as a negotiator— no matter whom you are dealing with-you must personalize both yourself and the situation.” (241)

“​​It’s easy for people to shaft others if they don’t see them in personal terms.” (250)

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“Courage Is Calling” Quotes

I recently read “Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors The Brave” by Ryan Holiday. Below are the quotes I found most interesting. If you like them, buy the book here.

“”Be scared. You can’t help that,” William Faulkner put it. “But don’t be afraid.”

It’s an essential distinction. A scare is a temporary rush of a feeling. That can be forgiven. Fear is a state of being, and to allow it to rule is a disgrace.” (14)

“It’s been said that leaders are dealers in hope, but in a more practical sense, they are also slayers of fear.” (17)

“There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say,” Cyril Connolly once joked.” (20)

“You can’t let fear rule. Because there has never been a person who did something that mattered without pissing people off.” (22)

“There are always more of them before they are counted.”

The obstacles, the enemies, the critics – they are not as numerous as you think. It’s an illusion they want you to believe.” (24)

“The leader’s job is to think about the unthinkable.” (28)

“The only inexcusable offense for an officer is to be surprised. To say, I didn’t think that would happen.” (28) 

“The whole point is that it’s hard. The risk is a feature, not a bug.” (32)

“It’s not bad that this is happening to you. It’s good training.” (32)

“It’s when we imagine everything, when we catastrophize endlessly, that we are miserable and most afraid. When we focus on what we have to carry and do? We are too busy to worry, too busy working. “(36)

“No one can truly understand what it would be like to occupy a different time and place, with different assumptions, assumptions shared by everyone you’ve ever met and everything you’ve ever read.” (40)

“Xenophon said they could choose between two attitudes, one that said, “What is going to happen to me?” And the other that said, “What action am I going to take?”” (44)

“We like to think we can have an extraordinary life by making ordinary decisions, but it’s not true. It’s actually all the ordinary decisions – the safe ones, recommended by every expert, criticized by no one – that make us incredibly vulnerable in times of chaos and crisis.” (62)

“This independence, this fearlessness was the key to his greatness – as it is the key to most greatness.” (94)

“The world is asking you about your courage. Every minute of every day. Your enemies are asking you this question. Your obstacles are too. Because we need to know. Are you one of the cowards? Are you someone we can count on? Do you have what it takes?” (97)

“Seneca would say that he actually pitied people who have never experienced misfortune. “You have passed through life without an opponent,” he said. “No one can ever know what you are capable of, not even you.”” (97)

“The Greek word for this kind of courage was parrhesia. It was the speaking of truth to power. It was refusing to buy the lie or to play it false.” (111)

“Socrates was the classic parrhesiastes, a man who said what others were afraid to say to the people they were afraid to say it to.” (111)

“George Marshall cut through with a command: “Gentleman, don’t fight the problem! Decide it!” (114)

“McCain learned from his mother to welcome difficulties as “elements of an interesting life.” (128)

“There is no one, William James said, more miserable than the person “in whom nothing is habitual but indecision.” (129)

“You make a difference when you are brave. Because you make others brave in the process.” (139)

“It’s not my fault.” “It’s not my problem.” “Don’t blame me.” These are not phrases that can exist in your vocabulary. Not if you want to be great. Not unless you’re a coward.” (142)

“The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life,” Joan Didion observed, “is the source from which self-respect springs.” (142)

“General Erwin Rommel would write, “But one must differentiate between strategic or tactical boldness and a military gamble. A bold operatoin is one in which success is not a certainty but which in case of failure leaves one with sufficient forces in hand to cope with whatever situation may arise. A gamble, on the other hand, is an operation which can lead either to victory or to the complete destruction of one’s force. Situations can arise where even a gamble may be justified as, for instance, when in the normal course of events defeat is merely a matter of time, when the gaining of time is therefore pointless and the only chance lies in an operation of great risk.” (149)

“They will laugh at you. Losers have always gotten together in little groups and talked about winners.” (153)

“Reject the pessimistic view that we are at the mercy of forces beyond our control. Yes, you can do something. You must.” (164)

“Where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence,” Gandhi said, “I would advise violence.” (168)

“The expression popular with self-defense instructors: Violence is rarely the answer – but when it is, it’s the only answer.” (168)

“The bodlness, the gamble, the sheer tenacity and determination? They might not be the most educated, they might not be the most wealthy, some of them might well be leaving mistakes and failures behind them, but immigrants are by definition exhibiting a virtue we all admire. Tired? Meek? These are indefatigable warriors. They are the descendants fo pioneers and explorers. Where would we be without this kind of courage? 

Who would not want it infused into their economy and culture? Who can’t learn something form this in our own cushier, safer lives?” (171)

“Continuing to do the same thing in the same way in the same place over and over is not just insanity, but eventually a form of cowardice.” (172)

“It takes courage to look at the averages and say, “I am not average.” To say, “Somebody will be the exception and it may as well be me.” (180)

“Steve Jobs said, “One way to remember who you are, is to remember who your heroes are.” (183)

“Seneca’s father wrote, “You had a brave man for a grandfather. See to it that you are braver.” (184)

“You can’t let this period (of a valley) make you bitter. You have to make sure it makes you better.” (213)

“Jackie Robinson said, “a life is meaningless except for its impact on other lives.” (219)

“That’s who we were put here for anyway. Our duty was never just to be the best ourselves, but to help others ealize their best.” (221)

“De Gaulle reflected, “Character is above all the ability to disregard insults or abandonment by one’s own people. One must be willing to lose everything. There is no such thing as half a risk.” (240)

“No one is saying they can’t eventually beat you, only that surrender is a choice. Quitting on your cause – that’s on you.” (256)

“To give in to fear is to deny the talents and skills that got you where you are in the first place. It’s to deprive yourself of the agency you were given at birth.” (272)

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“World’s Great Negotiator” Quotes

I recently read “The Adventure of Herbie Cohen: World’s Great Negotiator” by Rich Cohen. Below are the quotes I found most interesting. If you like them, buy the book here.

“He preaches engaged detachment, characterized as “caring, but not that much.”” (7)

“Time heals all wounds, right up to the moment it kills you.” (7)

“He was proving what would become a lifelong principle: most people are schmucks and will obey any type of authority, even if it’s just a nine-year-old in an orange sash.” (15)

“Power is based on perception; if you think you got it, you got it, even if you don’t got it.” (15)

“The glory of Carthage survives in a single story. That’s how history works. It’s not what happened, but what remains when everything else has been forgotten.” (17)

“Herbie has a rule. If you ask him a question, he will tell you the truth. If you ask again, you will again get the truth. But if you ask a third time, he will tell you whatever he thinks you want to hear.” (19)

“Life is a game, and to win, you must consider other people as players with as much at stake as yourself; if not more. If you understand their motivations, you can control the action and free yourself from every variety of jam. Focus less on yourself and more on others. Everyone has something at stake. If you address that predicament, you can move anyone, even a junior high principal, from no to yes.” (22-23)

“Magna Para unintentionally taught Herbie that weakness can be strength, and ignorance, feigned or real, can be the best response to authority.” (33)

“In the real world you have to devise your strategy for the talent you actually have. Don’t bitch. Don’t complain. Just play the cards you’ve been dealt. (51)

“While her own parents were well-mannered and soft-spoken and worried what people would think, Morris and Esther were warm and profane.” (67)

“The Eisenstadts covered the mirrors and said Kaddish when Ellen accepted Herbert’s proposal. They considered it a mixed marriage, frowned upon by the community.” (67) 

“He said the key to his success was settling quickly rather than fighting, overpaying a little instead of going to court and overpaying a lot – negotiation.” (71)

“People loved him in Libertyville, and he loved them right back. He was a character, a small-town celebrity, the sort of oddball you went to with a problem.” (78)

“It was about making the other person feel respected, getting a good deal while letting the other guy feel he’d done the same. Win-win. “And it isn’t because I want to be a good person,” he’d explain. “It’s because I want to be effective. If the other guy walks away feeling bad about what happened, the deal is going to fall apart and you’re going to end up with nothing.” (78)

“Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch, tugging at his hat and saying, ‘When you side with a man, you stay with him, and if you can’t do that, you’re like some animal. You’re finished. We’re finished. All of us.” (81)

“If you really want a house, you can’t speed the process by offering the asking price, because the seller will think he has set the price too low and back out.” (97)

“If you don’t remember a person’s name, ask them if they still live in the same place. Don’t ask them about their children, because maybe they have no children. And don’t ask them about their spouse, because maybe that person died. But if you ask them if they still live in the same place, then either they are still living in the same place and are amazed that you remember, or they’ve have moved and think it considerate of you to inquire.” (99)

“Over time, he became less of a business guru than a comedian and a philosopher. He was for something – win-win negotiation. And he was also against something – life as a zero-sum game, meaning if you win, I lose. Herbie wouldn’t want to live that way even if it were true, but it wasn’t. He came to believe just the opposite: our fates are intertwined; the only way for me to win is for you to win, too.” (100)

“No matter the audience, his message was the same: stay detached, don’t become fixated on a particular outcome, care, but not that much. If you approach a negotiation as if it were a game, you’ll have more fun and be more successful. If you approach life as if it were a negotiation, you’ll care less, achieve more, and live longer.” (103)

“By ceding power, you gain power.” (105)

“When it comes to negotiating, you’d be better off acting like you know less, not more. In some cases, dumb is smarter than smart, and inarticulate is better than articulate.” (106)

“You want to train yourself to say, ‘I don’t know’ … ‘You lost me’ … ‘Could you repeat that?’ The most powerful words in business are ‘I don’t understand. Help me.” (106)

“He talked about the art of purchasing big-box items, like refrigerators. Trick one: ask when it goes on sale. Everything is always just about to go on sale. You’ll always get that price. Trick two: ask, “What if?” “What if I buy four refrigerators?” Trick three: point out a blemish on the floor model and ask for a blemish discount. If there is no blemish, create one.” (107)

“A master of telephone negotiation, he explained what to do when everything goes wrong on a call. ‘I’d never recommend hanging up on another person. That would be socially unacceptable. Hang up while you’re talking. How can you convincingly hang up on yourself? Simple. Say the equivalent of ‘Hey, I’m really glad you called. You know, I was just thinking about you yester–’ Click.” (107)

“He told us to go about our work in a methodical and even boring way, to conduct ourselves in the practice exam or scrimmage as if it were the real test or game; that way, when we got there, we’d feel as if we’d already been there a dozen times before. ‘Don’t do anything differently. Make the extraordinary ordinary. That’s the key.’” (113)

“He’d put everything he’d done and learned in that book. And it diminished him. You lose whatever you put on paper. He needed to acknowledge this loss with a dramatic gesture. He needed to put an exclamation point at the end of this chapter of his life.” (116)

“Don’t regard yourself as someone who wants to buy a refrigerator. Regard yourself as someone who wants to sell money. Money is the product that’s up for sale. The more people there are who want your money, the more your money will buy. How do you get people to bid for that money? You generate competition.” (117)

““I make a decision once.” And he’d made his decision about the book. In case of rejection, the only thing that would change was his opinion of the publishing house.” (120)

“A good book title should make a promise.” (123)

“Life is ninety-seven percent marketing. You’re better off with a mediocre product and a great salesman than with a masterpiece and an idiot to sell it.” (124)

“He went into every bookstore he could find, moved his book to the front, the top of the display, then signed every copy – he did this without being asked – beginning each inscription, “Congratulations. Merely by picking up this book, you have demonstrated your intelligence.” (125)

“Unlike other interviewers, Larry King did not care how he came across. He was willing to look silly, even ridiculous, in an attempt to get answers to the sorts of questions a regular person would ask.” (130)

“Herbie dealt with Ellen’s depression in creative ways, the most productive being travel. “If you’re unhappy here, go somewhere else.” He believed two days in a hotel with room service can fix almost anything.” (142)

“He considered the theater a key part of a complete education, a part of life’s curriculum in which his children, having been raised in the sticks, were dangerously deficient. In my first year after college, when I was living on Sixtieth Street in Manhattan, he offered to pay for a ticket to any show I wanted to see for a period of ten months. He called this the Herb Cohen Scholarship.” (146)

“She’d go over each detail again and again, trying to remember the exact wording, the exact moment. If she could just figure it out, she’d understand everything. ‘Sometimes there is nothing to figure out,’ said Herbie.” (148)

“If you work yourself to exhaustion, you won’t have the strength to worry.” (153)

“When people ask if he won or lost, I say “both.” He prevailed, but the process itself became the punishment.” (154)

“It’s funny. He built his book around a philosophy, which he boiled down to a gleaming phrase – “the key to life is to care, but not that much” – but even a cursory study of his behavior will show a man in a constant state of over-caring. You Can Negotiate Anything was a self-help book, and as anyone who has spent time around the authors of such books can tell you, those who write self-help are those most in need of self-help. Their work is a literary version of whistling past the graveyard, talking to themselves in the dark. Herbie’s favorite aphorism defines his behavior more accurately than anything he’s ever said about caring: “If you’re walking on thin ice, you might as well dance.”” (160)

“Endings are sad because most lives seem only partially lived. You always have a feeling there was still more flavor in that gum. That was not the case with Esther. She got every bit of taste out of her piece.” (176)

“When she confronted him – “When are you going to finish your book?” he said, “Ninety-nine percent of deals close within an hour of the deadline.” When she protested – “You’ve already missed the deadline” – he said, “Then it wasn’t really the deadline, was it?”” (179)

“To my eye it looked silly and made us into a laughing stock. When I complained, he said, “They can laugh and we can win. To me, that’s a good trade.”” (179)

“Then told him what he had told his own father in the hospital: “You’ve done great.”

“No, I haven’t,” he said. “All I’ve ever done is what I think my father would have done.”

But maybe that’s all anyone has ever done.” (192)

“Being a productive person means believing you might live forever, that there is a point to all this work and suffering, that some of the achievements might survive, but for those who have leaned over and looked down, such belief becomes exceedingly difficult. To continue on as before, they have to forget what they’ve learned, which seems to take about a year.” (193)

“Everyone in this world believes they got a raw deal, were mistreated, could have made much more of themselves if they’d gotten a fair shake. But almost no one gets what Ellen got – a call telling them they are not crazy but had in fact been right all along.” (212)

“He admonished me, saying, “If you’d done better, you could’ve gone to Yale.”

“No,” I said. “If you’d done better, I could have gone to Yale.” (217)

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“Story Of A Curse” Quotes

I recently read “The Chicago Cubs: Story of a Curse” by Rich Cohen. Below are the quotes I found most interesting. If you like them, buy the book here.

“What you want is always out of reach. Sometimes it’s miles out of reach, sometimes you can almost touch it. If you do touch it, you will realize, after a week or two, that it’s not really what you want, that what you really want is still out of reach.” (3)

“Being a Cubs fan has created my cast of mind. I am not unhappy; I am fatalistic. I know how to live in the moment. I know how to enjoy what I can while I can because I know that disaster is coming.” (7)

“A Cubs fan will have a diminished life determined by low expectations. Look at me. I know I am going to succeed. Yo know why? Because I’m a Yankees fan. We win and expert to win. But a Cubs fan knows he will lose. He’s sitting there, waiting for it to happen. He’ll settle for less as a result. His team has taught him that all human endeavor ends in failure. That team will screw up your life.” (8)

“A good player is prized, but a good player with a great story is beloved.” (29)

“He had the good cheer and the infuriating wisdom of the self-made man.” (52)

“The Cubs faced the Tigers in the World Series. Asked to predict the outcome, the Chicago sportswriter Warren Brown said, “Neither team is good enough to win it.” (83)

“Yankee stadium, thought unsightly, was made beautiful by winning, whereas Wrigley Field, though beautiful, was disfigured by loss.” (95)

“You always have a choice. I choose to be hopeful.” (105)

“Whatever you look for [in life], you find. If you look for a curse, you’ll be cursed.” (127)

“I sat in a TV studio, staring at a black screen, listening on headphones as six guys in another studio called me an idiot. Which I am. I’d only suggest that everyone else is an idiot too. We’re all idiots.” (170)

“Gonzalez, a Gold Glove infielder who’d turned that play dozens of times, should have been the goat, but the fans had already fixed on one of their own – on themselves. It was self-hate, psychosis: They expected to lose, even needed to lose to make sense of their suffering. Because we blamed ourselves, because deep down we knew we deserved it, we needed a fan to take the blame for all fans – a scapegoat.” (172)

“You can read all the articles and books in the world, and it still won’t help you understand what you have to do to make a team better. Nothing prepares you for doing it but doing it. So I [Ricketts] came in with eyes open and tried to learn as much as I could in the first couple of years.” (182)

“You have to build a team that’s not just good enough to get to the postseason but good enough to get there again and again. Because once you’re in, it’s luck.” (183)

“Number one, he doesn’t have to be defensive because he’s had such success. Number two is, if you know why you make a decision, you can know which assumption fell through if it goes wrong. You can say, ‘This is what we assumed would happen, this is what actually happened.’” (185)

“It helps explain why Theo was able to defeat not one but two historic curses. Because what’s a curse? It’s a story. How do you change a story? You write a better one.” (187)

“You are busy making sure next year’s team has a chance. It means lack of long-term planning, focus on the short term, focus on the optics. The Red Sox were like that too: always focused on the next day’s sports section. It’s hard to execute any sort of plan when the focus is on everything except what defines a healthy baseball operation.” (188)

“IF you have a chance to win the World Series but don’t take that final step because it doesn’t add up, that’s bullshit and not fair. If you don’t make that investment, that can put dents in trust and wreck the culture that you’ve been so careful to build. We went around and asked a lot of our players. They all wanted to go for it.” (213)

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“Machers and Rockers” Quotes

I recently read “Machers and Rockers: Chess Records and the Business of Rock & Roll” by Rich Cohen. Below are the quotes I found most interesting. If you like them, buy the book here.

“Chickagou” is an Indian word that means “the place with the bad smell.” (26)

“Leonard saw them not as artists – artists are a dime a dozen – but something infinitely more rare and illusive: a market. A legion of transplants who felt lost in the frozen North, who wanted a taste and comfort from home and would pay for it. Anyone can spot an artist; only a genius can spot a market where others have seen only a horde.” (33)

“Herzl’s dream of Zionism, which, he said, would be a success only when “Jewish police are chasing Jewish criminals.” (34)

“The Arons had the company and the experience, but Leonard had access to the talent. In other words, a great musical empire grew out of the old immigrant sensibility: Schmucko! Why do for others what you can do for yourself? If you spend a buck, make sure you get back a buck and a half!” (47)

“And yes, it’s funny, how this Polish immigrant, this kid who did not even learn English until he was in school, winds up at a company called Aristocrat. But that’s America: no past, no pedigree, the great ones give birth to themselves.” (63)

“To be discovered is to be authentic; to search for fame is to be phony. So goes the logic of the aficionado. When it comes to the Blues, I have my own rule: if an artist believes what he is signing, he is authentic; if he does not believe what he is singing, even if he thinks it the prettiest idea in the world, he is not authentic.” (94)

“Chicago is one of the places where the Jewish character and the American character bleed into one, this rootlessness, this urge to roam: how can you tell you are moving if the scenery doesn’t change?” (96)

“Leonard was no genius. He did not dazzle into the big score. He instead had to work for it, fake it, steal it, copy it, shuffle and fight. He was smart and tough in the way of the hard worker, the long-distance runner, the gambler who wins on stamina. In business, and probably in art too, such men have the advantage over the genius, who depends on the great big nothing, a fluky, unpredictable freak. One day it’s there and one day it’s gone back to whatever nowhere it came from, and you are like the card sharp who bets on instinct when his luck runs out, with no way to fake your way back into the game. But for the hard worker, it is a fake from the beginning, and so he’s developed a million tricks and bluffs to get through.” (99)

“Joe Smith told me, ‘Assume the human brain is made of chips like a computer. And those chips govern behavior. Well, these musicians can take a sheet of paper and put notes on it and go into a studio and translate it into music and perform that music in front of millions. We can’t do that. They got chips we don’t. But to make room for those chips, other chips fall out. Sanity, reason, logic, gratitude. Anything like that is gone. So if you understand they are not like you and I, then you’re okay.’” (124)

“The executives feel superior to artists, but also envious – of the freedom, the talent, the lifestyle, the girls, girls, girls, the sprees, the benders, the crowds.” (124)

“Asked by a nephew why, when he had accomplished so much and was already quite wealthy, he continued to strive, spoke the words that best get at his soul. “It’s not the money, it’s the game.”” (138)

All right, kid, you got something to show me, come inside. This is the quality that kept Leonard in the game long after most of the old-time record men had bailed: a never-ending-willingness to hear the kid from the street. To be impressed, to be amazed.” (159)

“Past forty, most music executives lose patience, discover their fathers were right, and so turn the gut-check decisions over to an army of kids, new eyes, new ears, explaining, to anyone who might ask, It’s a young man’s game. After hearing a demo, such men turn to one of these kids and ask, Do I like it? But Leonard never lost touch with the street, never moved to an office in the Loop. Even in the roughest years of city life, his door was open to anyone who had a new slant on the old script.” (160)

“Only once in a very great while does someone actually create something new. The rest of us, even the most brilliant, spend our time just working out the implications.” (160)

“Leonard knew it was time to get out – it’s what made him a great businessman. He had seen a market where others had seen only a horde, and now he could see a mob where others continued to see a market.” (187)

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