2017 Comedy Goals Revisited

On January 1st, 2017 I posted my goals for this year. Since it’s the last day of the year, it’s time to go through them and see how I did. Black text is the original goal and bold text is how I did. 

Performing (2 out of 5 accomplished)

  • Perform 650 times this year, including 400 club spots
    Did 654 spots, including 485 club spots
  • Perform at 10 college shows
    Did not do 10 college shows.
  • Do a stand-up set on TV that airs in its entirety (not a stand-up clip show)
    Did not do a stand up set on TV that airs in its entirety.
  • Go on 50 acting auditions, get 5 callbacks
    Did fewer than 50 acting auditions and fewer than 5 callbacks
  • Book at least one acting gig from an audition
    Booked two acting gigs from auditions

Writing/Producing (1 out of 2 accomplished)

  • Create 40 new minutes of material that I try on stage, turn 15 of those minutes into “A” jokes
    Goal accomplished
  • Sell a TV show and/or write for a TV show
    Had many conversations with multiple production companies, but have yet to sell something.

Learning (2 of 2 accomplished)

  • Take one acting class
    Took two acting classes.
  • Read 20 books
  • Read 28 books

Financials (0 of 1 accomplished)

  • Earn $40,000 from entertainment related business income
    Did not earn $40,000

Misc (0 of 1 accomplished)

  • Average weight 172 pounds or less
    Average weight closer to 176 pounds

Top 4 Goals (Out of 11) (1 out of 4 accomplished)

  • Do a stand-up set on TV that airs in its entirety (not a stand-up clip show) No
  • Perform at 10 college shows No
  • Create 40 new minutes of material that I try on stage, turn 15 of those minutes into “A” jokes Yes
  • Sell a TV show and/or write for a TV show No

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